Private Health Check

We offer a private health and Wellness Check service, which can help to identify those at risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by looking for underlying health issues, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels before they become problematic.  The comprehensive checks include blood sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure and BMI with additional enhanced checking options of respiratory and heart function, including ECG testing.

CVD affects more than 4 million people in the UK, so understanding and identifying if you are at risk of the disease - and how you can reduce your risk - is very important.

Following the Wellness Check service any appropriate referrals to your GP will be made.

We also offer this as a Free NHS service in some areas for those aged between 40 and 74 years old who qualify.

£120 for a new patient and £90 for an existing patient unless you qualify for the Free NHS service.

Private cholesterol tests are available separately for £15.


How it works

  • Calendar icon

    Book appointment

  • Female/Male icon

    Attend consultation

  • Syringe icon

    Receive treatment

  • Email icon
