Malaria Prevention
When travelling to countries where malaria is prevalent it is highly recommended to seek advice and preventative medication.
Spread by mosquito bites, malaria is a potentially life threatening disease but risks of infection are greatly reduced if anti malaria medication is taken according to instructions and also if additional precautions are taken to avoid being bitten.
Price dependant on location of travel. Subject to initial consultation fee.
Depending on the anti malaria tablets prescribed, up to 10 days prior to travelling.
There are different anti malaria drugs with varying side effects. Your physician will advise which is best for you depending on what you are planning to do, where you are going and your own health issues.
Side Effects?
There are various side effects depending on the medication prescribed - our physician will be able to discuss.
Suitable for children?
Certain anti malaria drugs are suitable for young children and babies aged 2 months and above. Our physician will discuss this with you.
Additional Precautions:
Wear clothing to cover as much skin as possible - long sleeves, long trousers - especially after dusk. Use insect repellent on skin and clothing, insect repelling room spray, mosquito nets over beds.
How it works
Book appointment
Attend consultation
Receive treatment