HPV Vaccination (Human Papillomavirus)
£175.00 per dose
It is estimated that by the age of 27 most sexually active people have been exposed to some strain of HPV, usually without their knowledge.
Some strains of HPV can cause genital warts while others can lead to cancer.
Our fully trained pharmacists are able to offer the HPV vaccine to all those unable to access the NHS service.
Price per dose (2/3 doses required)
Guidance from the NHS has recently changed, so if you are starting a new course of vaccinations you will require only two doses.
The vaccine is given as an injection in the upper arm.
Side Effects?
Possible dizziness, nausea, headache or fever.
Suitable for children?
The vaccine is suitable for children age 9 and above and adults up to the age of 45.
Additional Precautions:
Use condoms during sexual activity to minimise risk and also women should have regular tests for cervical cancer (smear tests).
How it works
Book appointment
Attend consultation
Receive treatment