Hepatitis B Vaccination

£50.00 (Adult) / £35.00 (Child)

Usually administered during childhood, the Hepatitis B vaccine is 95% effective for prevention of this disease.  Symptoms are usually similar to flu, possibly jaundice and can lead to chronic liver failure or liver cancer in acute cases.  The disease is particularly prevalent in Africa and East Asia and is transmitted usually via bodily fluids and contaminated needles. 

Price per dose (3 doses required)



Adults require three doses, the first of which must be given at least one month prior to travel; the subsequent doses must be given four weeks later and five months later respectively; boosters may be given after five years.


The vaccine is given as an injection in the upper arm.

Side Effects?

Possible fatigue and soreness at the site of the injection.

Suitable for children?

The vaccine may be given from birth.

Additional Precautions:

Whilst in areas of risk you are advised to carry your own supply of sterile needles and use condoms during sexual activity..

How it works

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    Book appointment

  • Female/Male icon

    Attend consultation

  • Syringe icon

    Receive treatment

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